
Grant applications for 2024 are closed.
Prism Foundation provides grants for projects and nonprofits that are positively impacting the Asian & Pacific Islander LGBTQIA+ communities.
Our grants range from $1000–$5000, and provide core funding to under-resourced and/or underrepresented local community organizations and projects. Our portfolio of grantees is equally as diverse as our scholarship recipients, spanning across gender identities, racial and ethnic communities, indigenous backgrounds, and more, as well as the nature of the project whether it be funding community events, films, ethnographic surveys, or training tools.

Featured Grantee
UTOPIA Seattle - Talanoa Dialogues Project
The United Territories of Pacific Islanders Alliance (UTOPIA) was founded to create a vibrant space for LGBTQI Pacific Islanders to address basic needs, build pathways toward new expanded career and life opportunities, foster a sense of common purpose, and advocate for social justice, community, and overall wellness among members of the QTPI community. Talanoa Dialogues will foster stability and inclusiveness by creating a safe space to share stories, break down the barriers, and celebrate cultural practices such as dance, performance, language, food, and spiritual practices Pacific Islander nations and identities.
Frequently Asked Questions
I. About
What is the Prism Foundation Community Grant?
The Prism Foundation Community Grants provide funding for projects that make a strong and positive impact in the API LGBTQIA+ community.
How much is the Prism Community Grant?
The Prism Foundation Community Grant may provide funding up to $5000 max for any single year ($10,000 max for 2-year grants; see below). Multiple grants are provided each calendar year.
New: 2-year Community Grant program!
We are now awarding a limited number of 2-year Community Grants. To be eligible for 2-year grants, organizations will be required to:
Provide a justification/rationale for the need for a 2-year project, including more robust deliverables for year 2 and a timeline of distinct activities for years 1 and 2.
Provide a report with milestones achieved near the end of the project’s year 1 before their year 2 budget continuation is approved.
Help foster a broader awareness and reach of Prism Foundation’s mission, including assisting with potential cross-promotion and marketing of Prism Foundation programming, initiatives, and events.
II. Eligibility
What are the minimum eligibility requirements for this community grant?
Your project or organization must have tax-exempt 501(c)(3) status,
Alternatively, you may use a fiscal sponsor who has tax-exempt 501(c)(3) status.
I have applied for or received a Prism Foundation Grant in the past. Can I reapply?
Yes, both past applicants and recipients of our community grants are eligible to reapply each grant cycle.
III. Application Information
How do I apply?
Eligible applicants must complete an application form and submit an itemized budget (see example of itemized budget here).
Eligible applicants must apply online using an email account hosted by or associated to Google.
Grant applications for 2024 are closed. Please check again next spring.
Why is a Google account required to apply?As part of the application process, several documents are attached to the application. Google Forms requires the use of a Google Account to use this feature for security purposes.
When is the deadline? And is there anything else I should know about the application process?
Applications are due Monday, September 23, 2024 at 11:59 PM PT. Late applications will not be considered.
If additional evaluation of applicants is necessary to determine final recipients, the grant committee may require a follow-up questionnaire or interview.
We will notify all candidates the status of their application via email by early Fall.
What does the process look like if I’m selected as a grant recipient?
Awards will be granted directly to the tax-exempt 501(c)(3) status organization listed for the program.
The recipient’s name and portions of the recipient’s application may be used for Prism Foundation’s publications and reports.
Prism Foundation hosts an award ceremony for recipients at our Community Connections event in the Bay Area. The date is to be determined, but will be included in the recipient contract.
Recipients will be required to send a video testimonial for Community Connections.
Where do I go if I have more questions?
Please check to see if your question(s) has been answered on this page. We will do our best to keep this page updated with any new information.
If you have any remaining questions, please contact us at

Past Grant Recipients
Asian American Federation
A History Book of the LGBTQ Asian American Community Building and Activism over the Past 25 YearsAsian American Women Artists Association (AAWAA) | San Francisco, CA
Emerging Curators Program 2024 - “Yeah, you look like a Chamari” : Dalit Matriarchy vs. the Caste SystemDeQH: Desi LGBTQ+ Helpline for South Asians | New York City, NY
2024 Peer Support Training and Skills DevelopmentKhesed Wellness
Queer and Trans Asian American and Pacific Islanders Pro Bono ProgramLavender Phoenix | San Francisco, CA
Lavender Phoenix Builds Trans & Queer API Power!Okaeri
Transgender Issues SymposiumPhiladelphia Asian & Queer
Social and Community-Building ProgramsPoint of Pride
Free Chest Binder ProgramQueer Archives of the Bengal Delta (QABD)
QABD Community FellowshipReflect Collective
Survivor Wellness ProgramStrawberry Cream
Strawberry Cream - Short FilmTransgender Education Network of Texas (TENT) | Houston, TX
Education Program
Almoradie Media LLC | New York City, NY
Untitled Kilawin DocumentaryAPI Rainbow Parents, PFLAG NYC | New York City, NY
API Rainbow Parents 10th Year Anniversary ConferenceAsian Refugees United (ARU) / QTViet Cafe Collective | Bay Area, CA
Continuing Ms. Phung's Journey and Legacy: Queer Trans Viets (QTViets) on the RoadAsian Solidarity Collective | San Diego, CA
CARE (Community Actions & Response Efforts)AYPAL: Building API Community Power | Bay Area, CA
Q&Q: Queer & Questioning Youth SiteDeQH: Desi LGBTQ+ Helpline for South Asians | New York City, NY
2023 In-person RetreatKQTx National Network (Korean Queer Transgender National Network) | San Diego, CA
KQTx Affinity Spaces ProgramKyle Casey Chu (Panda Dulce) | Bay Area, CA
Welcome to the Stage: A Short FilmParivar Bay Area | Bay Area, CA
COVID Relief and WorkshopsRape Recovery Center | UT
Inclusive Prevention EducationSan Diego Pride | San Diego, CA
QAPIMEDA Coalition 2022-2023 Programming
API Rainbow Parents, PFLAG NYC | New York City, NY
Empowerment Workshops: Reaching Families through LGBTQ+ Children/AdultsAsia Institute - Crane House | Louisville, KY
Formation of the Kentuckiana AAPI LGBTQ+ CoalitionAsian Community Development Council | Las Vegas, NV
LGBT+ Sex EdAYPAL: Building API Community Power | Oakland, CA
Queer & Questioning Youth Site (Q&Q)Desi Rainbow Parents and Allies | Edison, NJ
Sathi (Rainbow Companion) ProgramKorean Queer and Transgender Organization of DC (KQT DC) | Washington D.C.
KORUS FestivalNew Millennium Academy | Brooklyn Center, MN
Embedding an LGBTQ Curriculum at NMAParivar Bay Area | San Francisco, CA
SF Bay Area LGBTQ+ COVID ReliefPFLAG San Diego County | San Diego, CA
LGBTQ+ Resource TranslationQAPIMEDA | San Diego, CA
QAPIMEDA 2021-2022 Programs
API Equality Northern CA | San Francisco, CA
For Us, By Us: Publishing the TGNC API Needs AssessmentAPI Rainbow Parents, PFLAG NYC | New York City, NY
Nationwide Training for API ParentsAsian American Women Artist Association | San Francisco, CA
Popadum!Asian Pacific Islander Transmasculine Anthology | Seattle, WA
APITA Online Writing Circle & Workshop SeriesAsian Solidarity Collective | Los Angeles, CA
Community PULSECenter for Immigration Protection | San Francisco, CA
The LGBT Asylum ProjectCia Siab Inc. | La Crosse, WI
Anti-Hmoob Violence ReportDeQH | New York City, NY
DeQH - South Asian LGBTQ+ HelplineKQTxProject | New York City, NY
KQTxProjectLGBTQ Center Orange County | Santa Ana, CA
QTBIPOC Financial Literacy & Wellness Workshop SeriesLove Doesn’t Hurt | Memphis, TN
Emergency ServicesNice Queer Pals | Bay Area, CA
Nice Queer Pals Digital ServicesParivar Bay Area | San Francisco, CA
COVID ReliefTransgender Awareness Alliance | Lexington, SC
Transgender Day of RemembranceViet Rainbow of Orange County | Garden Grove, CA
LGBTQ+ Youth of Color & Parent Leadership Activation & Radical LGBTQ+ Collaboration
API Equality - LA | Los Angeles, CA
Transforming Community CareAPI Equality Northern CA | San Francisco, CA
For Us, By Us: TGNC API Bay Area Needs AssessmentAPI Rainbow Parents, PFLAG NYC | New York City, NY
Training for Parents: PFLAG NYBindlestiff Studio | San Francisco, CA
Queer AFCenter for Immigration Protection | San Francisco, CA
The LGBT Asylum ProjectDeQH | New York City, NY
DeQH - South Asian LGBTQ+ HelplineDesiQ Diaspora LLC | Beacon, NY
DesiQ Diaspora 2020NQAPIA | New York City, NY
West Coast Regional Leadership Development SummitPFLAG San Gabriel Valley (SGV) | San Gabriel Valley, CA
Creating API LGBTQ Support in Other CitiesPhiladelphia Asian Performing Artists | Philadelphia, PA
PAPA Mini Residency PerformancesProvidence Youth Student Movement | Providence, RI
Queer Transformative RootsUTOPIA Seattle | Seattle, WA
Talanoa DialoguesVietLead | Philadelphia, PA
Queer Southeast Asian Dinner (QSEAD)
API Equality - LA | Los Angeles, CA
Transforming Community Care: Promoting API LGBTQ Mental Health and Community WellnessAPI Equality Northern CA | San Francisco, CA
Dragon Fruit NetworkAPI Rainbow Parents, PFLAG NYC | New York City, NY
Multi-language Outreach in Schools & API CommunityAPI TransFusion | San Francisco Bay Area, CA
Second API Transmasculine RetreatArchive Productions Inc. | San Francisco, CA
Queer API Documentation ProjectGAPA Men’s Chorus | San Francisco, CA
Hand in Hand LGBTQ Asian Choral FestivalHmong American Women's Association | Milwaukee, WI
Midwest QTAPI CoalitionKorean American Rainbow Parents (KARP) | Los Angeles, CA
With Pride, Korean Rainbow Parents to March at Los Angeles Korean Festival in 2019National AIDS Memorial | San Francisco, CA
Surviving Voices AIDS Video and Oral History Initiative: API Community & AIDSPFLAG San Gabriel Valley (SGV) | San Gabriel Valley, CA
PFLAG SGV API Speaker Bureau Training and Outreach
API Chaya | Seattle, WA
QTPOC Connections and Healing ProjectAPI Equality - LA | Los Angeles, CA
Indi(Visibility) CampaignAPI Equality Northern CA | San Francisco, CA
Trans Justice Media TrainingAPI Rainbow Parents, PFLAG NYC | New York City, NY
Targeted Community Expansion InitiativeAsian Pride Project | New York City, NY
Okduki filmChinese Progressive Association | San Francisco, CA
"Breathe at GSD," Gender Sexual Diversities (GSD) ProjectDaly City Youth Health Center | Daly City, CA
Narrative Therapy Mural Making ProjectLife Foundation | Honolulu, HI
ProgrammingNQAPIA | New York City, NY
AAPI Activist ConferencePFLAG San Gabriel Valley (SGV) | San Gabriel Valley, CA
Outreach and marketingPoongmul Movement Builders | New York City, NY
ProgrammingVietUnity | San Francisco Bay Area, CA
An Intergenerational Feast of ResistanceYesterday (film) | Oakland, CA
Yesterday (film)
API Equality - LA | Los Angeles, CA
Trans Justice CampaignAPI Equality Northern CA | San Francisco, CA
Trans Justice InitiativeAsian Pacific Islander Cultural Center | San Francisco, CA
Collaging New Futures: A multimodal poetry and bookmaking workshop; supplies for collage projectAsian Pacific Islander Queer Society (APIQS) | Washington D.C.
Anti-Violence ProjectAsian Pride Project | New York City, NY
Okduki: Never Stand Down filmCal Queer & Asian | Berkeley, CA
QACONDaly City Youth Health Center | Daly City, CA
Sala TalksDari Project | New York City, NY
National Queer Korean Conference (venue rental)Lesbian Health Initiative of Houston | Houston, TX
Increasing access to cervical cancer screening for AAPI same gender loving women and transgender men in Houston and surrounding countiesLife Foundation | Honolulu, HI
Re-engaging Gay API HIV+ individualsPFLAG NYC | New York City, NY
Support Program and Safe School ProgramQAPIAR | Davis, CA
Student retreatResilience Archives | San Francisco, CA
Artist and librarian stipendsUTOPIA Seattle | Seattle, WA
Board developmentXanh the Movie (film) | San Francisco, CA
Xanh the Movie
API Equality - LA | Los Angeles, CA
Transgender Equality Awareness and Outreach ProgramAPI Equality Northern CA | San Francisco, CA
Leadership Development ProgramCal Queer & Asian | Berkeley, CA
QACONGAPA Men’s Chorus | San Francisco, CA
Choral festival registration feesLiving in the Shadows of Exclusion Film | Oakland, CA
Living in the Shadows of Exclusion FilmNetwork on Religion and Justice for API LGBTQ People | San Francisco, CA
Walking on Water Musical ProjectPFLAG San Gabriel Valley (SGV) | San Gabriel, CA
Brochures to all GSAs in the areaThe Worlds of Bernice Bing Film | San Francisco, CA
The Worlds of Bernice Bing FilmVietnamese American Young Leaders of New Orleans | New Orleans, LA
API Equality Northern CA | San Francisco, CA
Dragon Fruit ProjectCal Queer & Asian | Berkeley, CA
QACONChinese Progressive Association | San Francisco, CA
Develop Gender Sexuality and Diversities Project space and provide mentorship and workshops to more members within the spaceCLAGS Center for LGBT Studies | New York City, New York
Mini conference of LGBTQ API scholars in NYCKearny Street Workshop | San Francisco, CA
Stipend for 6 queer API artists selected for the new arts incubator programOUT RUN Film | San Francisco, CA
OUT RUN FilmShades of Yellow | St. Paul, MN
SOY Stories and part-time coordinatorTrikone | San Jose, CA
Dragon Fruit ProjectViet Rainbow of Orange County | Garden Grove, CA
Application fee and decorations for Tet ParadeVisible Silence Film | San Francisco, CA
Visible Silence Film: Sound design and final editing
API Equality Northern CA | San Francisco, CA
Leadership development among API youth through Summer Internship programAPI Family Pride | Fremont, CA
Updating "Coming Out, Coming Home" DVDAPI Wellness Center | San Francisco, CA
Trans ThriveTrikone | San Jose, CA
Desi Queer HelplineUTOPIA Seattle | Seattle, WA
Leadership retreat for Pacific Islanders in the Seattle areaViet Rainbow of Orange County | Garden Grove, CA
PSA showing positive visibility of gay Vietnamese in OCVisible Silence Film | San Francisco, CA
Visible Silence Film
College of Alameda GSA | Alameda, CA
Day of SilenceDari Project | New York City, New York
Translation of Coming Out Stories
Make impact in the Asian & Pacific Islander LGBTQIA+ community
Nonprofit organizations serving the Asian & Pacific Islander LGBTQIA+ community is often grassroots, volunteer-led, and historically underfunded and under-resourced.
Our grants provide crucial funding to the most impactful projects and organizations serving this intersectional community.